
Friday, September 9, 2016

Five things we should follow in our lives that could save a person from all tribulations in life

خمس منجيات :

Five things we should follow in our lives that could save a person from all tribulations in life.

1. الصمت إذا كثر اللغط ..
(وهو أولى علامات الحكمة)
1. To keep silence as it’s a sign of wisdom.

2. الكلام بقدر الحاجة ..
(فالكلام وسيلة وليس غاية)
2. Reduce the habit of taking too much, because the more you talk, the more of mistakes you commit.

3. اﻹنابة إلى الله في كل حال ..
(ثمنك الحقيقي في عين الله)
3. Returning to Allah in all cases, and attach your heart to Him, because your true value is who you are in Allah’s sight.

4. من كان في نعماء ..
فأكثر الشكر لبارئها ليحفظها ويباركها.
4. Always be grateful to Allah for what you have, if you give Thanks to Allah He will increase your provision.

5. ومن كان في بلاء ..
فالشكوى تكون لله (فقط) حتى يأتي جبره.
5. Whoever is suffering with calamities and hardships let him not complain to anybody except to Allah and strive to be patient until relief comes.

(via ukhtifr)