
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The best times when supplications are accepted

The best times when supplications are accepted:

1. On the Night of Power [Laylatul Qadr].
2. The final part of the night [meaning the last third].
3. At the end of the obligatory Salah.
4. Between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah.
5. An hour during the night.
6. With the Adhaan for every Salah.
7. With the rainfall.
8. While marching in a military formation for the Cause of Allah.
9. An hour during Friday. The accepted view is that this hour is in the final hour before sunset, although it is also held that it may be during the Friday sermon of Jumu'ah.
10. While drinking the water of Zamzam with a sincere intention.
11. During prostration.
12. The transmitted supplication offered by the one who wakes up from sleep [for Qiyam ul-Layl].
13. When sleeping [after having completed ablution] after having been in the state of impurity, then awaking in the night and supplicating.
14. While supplicating “There is none worthy of worship but You, Glory be to You, verily I am from amongst the wrongdoers.”
15. The supplication of a group of people following the death of an individual [for the deceased in Janaazah].
16. The supplication offered after glorifying Allah and sending salutations upon the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) in the final sitting part of the Salah.
17. While calling upon Allah by way of His Most Beautiful Names by which a supplication is always answered and a request is fulfilled.
18. The sincere and heartfelt supplication of a Muslim for his/her Muslim brother/sister.
19. On the Day of Arafah [9th Dhul Hijjah] at the Mount of Arafat.
20. Supplications during Ramadhan.
21. While in a gathering with other Muslims who have congregated to remember Allah.
22. While undergoing a hardship and supplicating “To Allah be belong and to Him we will return. O Allah, save me from my affliction and compensate me with good from it.”
23. The supplication offered when the heart becomes disinclined to Allah and sincerity weakens.
24. The supplication of the oppressed one against those who are oppressing him/her.
25. The supplications of the father in favour of/or against his child.
26. The supplications of a traveler.
27. The supplications of the one who is fasting [up until Iftaar].
28. The supplication offered at the time of breaking the fast.
29. The supplication of an individual who has been compelled to something against their wishes.
30. The supplication of a just and upright leader.
31. The supplication of a reverent and pious child on behalf of his/her parents.
32. The transmitted supplication offered directly after wudhu.
33. The supplication after stoning the small Jamrah [during Hajj].
34. The supplication offered after stoning the intermediate Jamrah [during Hajj].
35. The supplication and Salah offered inside the Hijr, which is the curved precinct which joins to the Ka'bah.
36. The supplication made upon Safaa and Marwah.
37. The supplication made at Al-Mash'ar ul Haraam, the consensus is that this is at Al-Muzdalifa.

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